Osvaldo Quintanilla Loayza

Osvaldo Quintanilla Loayza
Regional Technical Advisor

Osvaldo has over ten years of experience implementing forest programs and climate change policies. Before joining UNDP, he worked in Latin America developing diverse REDD+ components with regional and national governments (South-South Cooperation), IPLC, and the private sector. Also, he has been a governmental counterpart in initiatives such as FCPF, UN-REDD, COSUDE (Switzerland Agency), the GEF, and the GCF. 

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Contributors: Ngin Navirak (SGP National Coordinator, UNDP Cambodia), Sovanna Nhem (Climate and Forests Specialist, UNDP Cambodia), Petra Pontier (Assistant Policy Analyst - Environment and Climate…
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The momentum of one of the most innovative approaches under REDD+.
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The case of REDD+ in Cambodia
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The latest experience sharing workshop organized by UNDP aimed to address just that: a south-south exchange between the governments of Cambodia and Kenya about the pioneering work that both countries…
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