Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) form the backbone of the Paris Agreement. They are countries’ detailed, time-bound commitments to transformative low-carbon and climate-resilient action toward the overall goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
The forest and land use sector can provide up to one third of the emissions reductions needed to meet that goal and avoid the most severe impacts of climate change, representing the most significant opportunity to increase the ambition of NDCs in many tropical forested countries. Recognizing the essential role of the sector to meeting the Paris Agreement targets, 90% of new or updated NDCs include forests and land use.
Despite this demonstrated political will, tropical primary forest loss continues to increase. Substantially accelerated efforts are needed to ensure that reduced deforestation and forest degradation, improved forest management and restoration contribute fully to solving the climate crisis.
UNDP Climate & Forests provides support to countries to assess, enhance, and accelerate NDC mitigation actions in the forest and land use sector by:
Climate Promise:
With support from the United Kingdom following COP26, UNDP is scaling up the Forests, Land and Nature work area under Climate Promise, with a focus on demonstrating NDC-related nature ambition at COP27 and beyond, delivering on Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use.
Through this UK-funded initiative, UNDP is supporting Cambodia, Colombia, Congo, Dominica, Ecuador, Kenya, Liberia, and Viet Nam to advance NDC ambition and implementation in the forests and land use sector.
Learn more here.

Forest Declaration Platform:
UNDP, through the Forest Declaration Platform, is working in partnership with governments, companies, Indigenous Peoples and civil society to foster political ambition, scale up and accelerate action, and enable accountability to halt or reverse deforestation by 2030.