News and Stories
25th September 2019: New York - As the planet continues to warm and wildlife species vanish at an unprecedented rate, five leading environmental organizations have come together to target the world’s greatest undervalued and unprotected solution to the climate and extinction crises— forests.

The event was intended as a stepping stone for the UN 2019 Climate Summit in New York, and December UN Climate Change Conference COP25 in Santiago, Chile.

On the occasion of the visit of President Sassou Nguesso in Paris, President Emmanuel Macron today signed a Letter of Intent committing 65 million US dollars for the preservation of the rainforest in the Republic of Congo.

The participation of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-Colombians and local communities in REDD+ in Colombia:
Milestones, Challenges and Opportunities.

UN-REDD to host GLF interactive session with the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact and the Tenure Facility.

Combining a participatory process with robust and consistent technical analysis.

The International Conference on Climate Finance for HFLD Countries was convened in Paramaribo, Suriname, 12-15 February 2019.

Ecuador just became the second country to receive financial resources from the Green Climate Fund having successfully reduced greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation in the past.

Encouraging progress and challenging gaps.