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1 March 2022, Nairobi -- Kenya is the only country in the world that has specific reference to a target for tree cover in its National Constitution. In addition to this national 10 percent tree cover strategy, Kenya has also embarked on REDD+ actions to drive transformational change in its forest sector as a stepping stone to achieving its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Indonesia occupies less than one percent of the earth’s landmass but has the third largest expanse of tropical forest after the Amazon and the Congo basin. These forests are home to an estimated 10 – 15 percent of all animal and plant species, placing it in the top three countries in terms of biodiversity. They are also a massive carbon sink, absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere as they grow.
Indonesia’s forests also provide the basis for the livelihoods and well-being of some 40 million rural and indigenous people.

How Ecuador is pioneering deforestation-free production chains to conserve the Amazon.